Friday, 4 September 2009

In Memory of his writings

My journey out of Islam has been doctored by none other than by a Pakistani Mr Anwar Shaikh. He is no more in this world now. But he has left his writings which have been hidden and forgotten in India.

I realised that what he is saying is not wrong. My Kudos to him for showing me true light. I believe in God but a God which is happy with everyone and all the humans. A God which has no enmity with the Pagans or the Christians. I hope my fellow relatives can realise what I realise. Its a small hope. But on hope does world rests.

Daily in and out whether in India or in world we see violent incidents done by my fellow brethren. This is nothing but what Muslims have been made to see and believe since birth. There are violent verses everywhere in Quran and Hadeeths. And the fundamentalists in Islam follow exactly those verses. Their moderate and sanitised versions are just to deceive the others.
The moderate muslims also believe that Islam is best. They will never criticise wrong doings of any fundamentalists but will find justifications to these wrong doings. This is the way of deceipt.

A brief about Anwar Shaikh:-

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